
Comment history with Saikou


Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 comments

Thank You =^.^=

Posted by XxAznChicxX on Jul 16, 07 9:33 pm

if it still dosent work,just go to the "designers cafe" in the forums,there's a pinned thread on how to customize your page

Posted by Saikou on Jul 16, 07 11:38 am

http://www.createblog.com/foru ms/index.php?showtopic=177073

it should work now

Posted by Saikou on Jul 15, 07 11:11 pm

The URL you gave me didn't work.

Posted by XxAznChicxX on Jul 14, 07 3:45 pm

i used codes from here:

http://www.createblog .com/forums/index.php?showtopi c=177073

Posted by Saikou on Jul 14, 07 2:20 am

Just to ask. How did you edit your profile like this?

Posted by XxAznChicxX on Jul 13, 07 10:49 pm
View profile
  • Female
  • 16 years old